Other Abroad Opportunities
Besides studying abroad, 学生有很多出国深造的机会. 选择包括实习、学生教学和海外研究. 这些机会可以是出国留学的极好选择或补充. These programs all vary in cost, financial aid and application.
Internships Abroad
海外实习是学生在探索另一种文化的同时推进职业发展的好方法. 想去国外实习的学生有多种选择. 许多出国留学项目在出国留学的同时还提供实习机会. 学生可透过姊妹学校寻找实习机会, ISEP universities, ISA and IES among many others.
Costs and Financial Aid
实习的费用和经济资助取决于项目是交换项目还是非交换项目. 只注重实习的项目通常是非交换项目. Some competitive programs are all-expenses-paid.
Internship Program Providers
Some ISEP Universities 南吴姊妹学校(交换和非交换)提供实习机会. 学生只需向国外大学的相关办公室表达他们的兴趣,并按照该学校的适当程序进行申请. 一些项目可能会要求出国留学的学生在到达大学之前表达他们对实习的兴趣. 仔细研究实习机会,并向全球参与办公室寻求帮助.
ISA Internships (非交换)努力将学生安排在符合他们目标的职位上. 大多数ISA课程为期八周,贯穿全年, 但ISA也提供定制日期项目,学生可以安排自己的海外经历. ISA面试学生并审查他们的简历,以便为他们找到符合他们经验和愿望的职位. 通过ISA出国的学生除了出国留学外,还可以选择实习. ISA Internships offers locations in China, Australia, England, Chile, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and Spain.
IES Internships (非交换)保证学生在他们感兴趣的领域实习. In addition to their internships, IES requires students to take an online internship seminar, from which they can earn three or six credits. 这个研讨会涵盖了重要的生活技能,如简历制作,全球领导力和网络. They offer summer or semester placements in Barcelona, Berlin, Cape Town, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris, Rome, Santiago, Shanghai and Sydney.
DAAD Rise 提供在德国生物学领域的研究实习机会, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, and other closely related fields. 被该项目录取的学生与博士生一起进行研究. DAAD与其他实习机会的不同之处在于,没有项目费用. DAAD计划每月为学生提供650欧元的津贴,以支付生活费用,并可在5月至8月之间持续三个月, but specific internships vary in length. 申请人不需要德语经验,但鼓励.
Cultural Vistas (非交换)为学生提供实习和工作机会,包括一些竞争性的全额资助项目. Programs vary in length and in what is included. 一些项目在提供实习的同时还提供强化语言学习. Programs longer than 10 weeks may offer paid internships. Some examples of internship locations are Brazil, Argentina, Ireland, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Spain.
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) is an example of a program that goes through Cultural Vistas. CBYX让学生有机会在德国花一年的时间免费学习德语, studying their major, and interning in their career field.
Student Teaching Abroad (STA)
Education majors at NWU are required to do student teaching. Students have the option of completing this requirement abroad. STA提供了包括爱尔兰在内的一系列国家供学生选择, Australia, England and New Zealand. STA是有益的,因为它的功能就像一个交换项目, 在这种情况下,学生支付正常的费用,并获得正常的经济援助.
Email studyabroad [at] bianlifan.com (studyabroad[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) for more information.
- 支付给NWU的费用包括正常的学费和学生在正常学期或学年支付的费用,但住宿和膳食计划除外.
- The Program charges students a fee of $800.
想了解更多与出国留学相关的费用,请点击这里 Before You Go and Things to Consider.
Financial Aid
- 所有NWU和联邦财政援助都可以用于STA,就像他们在NWU的常规学期一样.
- The Education Abroad Grant (EAG) is applicable to students doing STA. EAG以经济需求为基础,奖金从200美元到2,850美元不等.
- Other scholarships may apply to programs based on a variety of factors. Some scholarships award up to $5,000.
Research Abroad
NWU Student Faculty Collaborative Research Grant (SFCRG)
SFCRG奖颁发给共同准备研究计划的学生和教师. If the proposal is approved, 学生和教师将获得适当的资金来开展他们的研究,包括差旅费. The SFCRG does not have to involve international travel, but if students have a research proposal in mind, this can be an excellent way to fund going abroad. Previous winners of the SFCRG have gone to Cuba, Australia, India, 墨西哥和尼加拉瓜,并专注于音乐等学科, theater, biology, modern language, political science and more.
Cost and Financial Aid
欧洲学者是一个由ISA运营的项目,它使学生更容易在国外找到研究机会. 该计划在七所国际知名的欧洲研究型大学提供几乎任何学科的研究项目. 欧洲学者不要求学生事先有研究经验, 但学生应该对学术或研究事业有浓厚的兴趣. 对这个项目感兴趣的学生可以通过项目数据库搜索他们感兴趣的正在进行的研究机会. Euroscholars states that to date, 所有在截止日期内申请的合格学生都被该计划接受.
- Costs paid to the program include a flat rate of $9,每学期975欧元,每学期根据汇率确定美元金额.
- Costs paid to NWU include a $300 administrative fee.
想了解更多与出国留学相关的费用,请点击这里 Before You Go and Things to Consider.
Financial Aid
- 一些联邦财政援助仍然可以适用于非交换项目的费用. Contact the Financial Aid Office to find out more about Federal Financial Aid on study abroad.
- Euroscholars 提供自己的奖学金,每学期最高可达2000欧元.
- Other scholarships may apply to programs based on a variety of factors. Some scholarships can award up to $5,000.